Farewell to Cookie, 2008 – 2023

Cookie the dog

I don’t want to tell you this because I don’t want it to be true, but we said goodbye to my beloved Cookie last week. Her smile and spunk lit up my days for over thirteen years and I miss her terribly. Thirteen years! I am the luckiest, and what I would give for more.

Cookie was my sidekick, my frontman, my best friend, my real-life teddy bear, my soul pup. As long as Cookie was there, I was never alone. I can almost feel her snuggled up by my side now. Cookie got me through the darkest of days and brightened the best. She kept me company through countless long days and long nights as we built this website from scratch. She taste tested nearly every recipe, too, whether I wanted her to or not.

In her earlier years, Cookie had a terrifying tendency to shoot out the front door like a rocket, which inspired immense gratitude for every day that we got together. Then she received a terminal cancer diagnosis, lymphoma, and defied the odds by living another two-and-a-half years. I always dreamed of taking care of her in her old age, and that’s what I got to do. Over the past year, she lost her hearing and her health declined, which felt more difficult and complicated than I ever anticipated. She died of old age, and while I’ll always wonder if I made the right decisions every step of the way, I am finding some peace and comfort in knowing that we spent all of her best days together. A dog could not have been more loved.

Cookie came into my life at the perfect moment, when I was fresh out of college and learning to live on my own. She walked with me all the way to marriage and motherhood. She left me exactly where I want to be in my upper thirties, with my loving husband and our baby girl. My heart is so full and so broken at the same time.

Cookie was extraordinary and so was our bond. I spent much of our time together wishing for what I have now, yet I’m feeling so sentimental about our special time together as Cookie and Kate. May this be your gentle reminder to appreciate what you have when you have it.

Thank you for cooking along with us and for finding joy in her antics. I’ll be back soon to share more photos and some of my favorite Cookie memories with you. She was truly the greatest.


Kathryne Taylor

I'm a vegetable enthusiast, dog lover, mother and bestselling cookbook author. I've been sharing recipes here since 2010, and I'm always cooking something new in my Kansas City kitchen. Cook with me!

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  1. Leslie says:

    I can’t believe your precious cookie is gone. I’m so sorry but so happy you had this important relationship in your life. I will cherish the photos of her in your cookbook even more now!


    Hi Kate, I am crying, what a beautiful tribute to Cookie. I am so very sorry for your loss.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you, Karol.

  3. Carol Sachs says:

    I am terribly sad about your Cookie. I know what it is to lose your beloved animal companion. We brought home our first Siberian Husky in 1965 and have had that breed to this day. Lots of losses, lots of tears and a hole in our hearts for each one. We started to have two at a time when we had our third Siberian and that continued until we aged then felt we had to go back to one at a time. We had all females and 2 human girls. People don’t understand what profound sorrow we feel unless they have been there. My tears come now and then for all of them. Deepest sympathies to you and yours. Cookie will always be in your heart.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Carol.

  4. Joani Shaw says:

    I am sorry for your loss of such a great dog, Cookie.
    Thank you for letting us know. And the advice of appreciating what we have now.
    Love and good memories prevail,
    Sincerely, Joani Shaw

  5. Val says:

    When I read this last month I began to cry. I had always worried for you about this as I had lost my cardigan blue merle corgi of 15 years that Cookie always reminded me of. I was happy to have such lovely pictures of her when I bought your Love real Food. It was always so evident what a wonderful bond you shared. Thank you for all you share with everyone, including this most personal of your loss.
    RIP Cookie you will be missed.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Val!

  6. Victoria says:

    Oh my I am so full writing this. My heart breaks as Cookie was a delight and seeing you two together is what first made me sign up for your blog. You were delightful together, two peas in a pod. I’m so very sorry and at the same time so thankful you had the experience of having her walk you through some of life’s greatest adventures. She will always be in your heart. Like you I had a similar experience with a dog that walked me through similar milestones. He left us 32 years ago and we have had other pets who have left their own special place, but his space is special. Even my children who don’t remember him revere the special place he held and still holds- and they are now adults! Be gentle with yourself.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Victoria.

  7. Patricia Gomezbarrera says:

    I am subscribed to your site. Please don’t doubt your decision, which was the best. Cookie had the best mother in the world and you gave her all of your love and made her happy and secure. Dogs are our teachers, our companions and if we learned more about their feelings and loyalty, we would undoubtedly be better human beings. I am very sorry for your loss.


  8. Cheryl North says:

    So very sorry to hear that Cookie has died. She will always live on in our hearts and minds. It is a magic power that many dogs have and I have experienced it myself. God Bless all our dogs!

  9. Alimama says:

    So very sorry to hear about your beloved Cookie. It brought such joy to know she was always by your side. Our Roxie passed several years ago and thinking about time spent with her still warms my heart. And now we have Brodie to warm our feet and our bed. RIP Cookie. Good Dog.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Alimama.

  10. Lisa Ann says:


    I am so sorry about Cookie’s passing. I shared a similar 15 year journey with my beloved dalmatian mix, Lucky, who I lost a few years ago. You were blessed to have such an amazing pup and she was blessed to have such a loving mom. I look forward to you sharing some favorite Cookie memories ❤️

  11. Korey says:

    I’m so, so very sorry for your loss.

  12. Jeanette says:

    We will all miss Cookie and grieve with you on losing her; but you two were loving sidekicks. A life well loved is a life well lived. I am glad you had each other.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Jeanette.

  13. Susan Palermo says:

    Tears. You were a wonderful pet parent and your gentle caring for her was evident in all of your photos and posts. I’ve been through this many times and as each pet is unique, so is each deep love and loss. I feel gratitude for each of them. And for the humans it has been my privilege to love and let go.

    1. Kate says:

      I appreciate your kind words, Susan.

  14. Christina Abney says:

    A wonderful tribute to Cookie. I am glad you both knew you had it so so good with each other. I am so sorry she is gone. But she will truly be with you forever.

  15. Patricia says:

    Have just found your site, my heart goes out to you on the loss of your dog. I was in the exact same situation and have also lost my ‘soul pup’. Don’t second guess your decisions. The post speaks volumes on how much immense love you had for her. You gave her a great life and while I don’t know if you will or do currently have another dog, be comforted by the fact that you’ve cherished the times you had together and she was with you until the end. She’ll be with you always.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Patricia. We appreciate it!

  16. Lisa says:

    Oh Kate! Sincere condolences to you on your loss of Cookie. Sending so much love to you in such a hard time. From Lisa in Australia.

  17. Ross says:

    My heart goes out to you.
    It seems that Cookie lived for you and you for Cookie.
    It’s tough losing your friend.

  18. Christine Takacs says:

    When I first started following you, I wasn’t sure who was Cookie and who was Kate. Of course, as I got to “know you” I figured it out :) I was instantly your secret admirer bc I could easily write adventures of me and my Cooper. What a road you and Cookie traveled together!! A true Cinderella story. How magical it was for you to be in her life and her in yours. Smile and remember this. Cookie wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. God bless you and thank you for sharing her with me and all of the other followers. xxoo

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words and support, Christine! I appreciate it.

  19. Martha McCoy says:

    Oh Kate, I have been following you for years, cooking and taste testing along with you and Cookie! I’m so sad to hear about Cookie’s passing, but so glad you got to be with her and take good care of her to the very end. What a beautiful tribute for your soul pup and beloved member of the community of healthy eating you and Cookie created together. Sending caring thoughts your way during this time of grieving and gratitude. Take good care,

  20. Sherry Soule says:

    I just discovered your blog a week after our Corgi Edgar was diagnosed with Sarcoma. We had to say goodbye and your Cookie makes me smile while looking at your cookbook.

    I had no idea he had passed and I share your loss. We lost the heart of our family.

    1. Kate says:

      I’m so sorry to hear that. I appreciate your kind words and hope your pup is doing better.

  21. Barbara says:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog, Cookie. It is devastating when we must let our pets go. You are not alone in your sorrow.

    We will all remember Cookie. Hang in there <3

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you, Barbara.

  22. Susan says:

    What a touching story of the bond between you and Cookie. I believe a bond like that can never be broken. My heart goes out to you…

  23. Kim Curl says:

    Kate, so sorry for your loss. I haven’t looked at your site for sometime.. just been cooking the same go-tos, so I am just seeing this. Cookie was blessed to have such a wonderful family!

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you, Kim. I appreciate your kind words.

  24. Ellen Cee says:

    Just want to say I am so sorry, Kate.

  25. Beth says:

    I am just seeing this post now. My heartfelt condolences for your loss. I know she has left paw prints on your heart. I hope with the passing of time, you only feel the joy and happiness she brought to your life! I know all too well the special bond we can have with our first dog, like our first born child. She too was a very lucky pup to have your love for 13+ years!

    Warmest wishes,

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you, Beth. I appreciate your kind words.

  26. cynthia Ann Vaphiades says:

    My friend and I were recently talking about the wonderful recipes on your website and, of course, we always say how adorable Cookie was. My friend told me that Cookie passed away. I am so sorry about your loss. I always say when I lose one of my beloved animal companions over the years and I have lost many. I say that is it better to go through the pain of losing them to NOT having them at all. Rest in piece Cookie.

  27. El says:

    Dear Kate –

    I’ve read your blog from time to time over the past few years – and always enjoyed the fact that it’s named after you and your co-chef pup! In following a thread today, I just learned of Cookie’s death. I am so sorry for your loss – it can be so tough. When my last dog died, it took me a year to stop stepping over the (75 lb) dog who was no longer lying in the kitchen doorway. It took a decade before I got another dog – and my boy Charlie was worth the wait. I hope though, that you won’t wait that long. A good chef needs a good sous-chef, right?! Or at least someone to clean up after her . . .
    Best wishes, El

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words and sharing your story, El.

  28. Jennifer C. says:

    I read this and cried. What a loving tribute. I’m happy that you have such wonderful memories and enjoyed happy years together. It sounds like you were both blessed.

  29. Mark says:

    I’m truly sorry. She is beautiful both inside and out. Her love will never leave you.

  30. Brian says:

    I wrote this to the person we adopted our Abby Girl from.

    Abby (Star) passed yesterday.
    She was 15 years and 2 months. Best dog I ever had or ever met. A loving soul who wagged her tail every day. She was still walking but would cry and stop after a short walk and cry once in a while when she was picked up. She ate all her meals and even on her last day didn’t mess in the house. Her heart and soul had life left but her body gave out. I didn’t want her last days to be painful.

    I remember I had to talk you into letting us adopt her. She had a crooked toe and ankle. It never bothered her during her life. She always stayed between 54-62 pounds. 57 pounds when she passed. She ran in the woods, played with dogs, had hundreds of strangers give her belly rubs, boated and swam and boated and swam. She was a loving wonderful girl.

    Jane and Abby and I sat far away from the vet office in the grass in the shade and fed her strawberries as she fell asleep. Strawberries were her favorite food. She ate them right up as she drifted off.
    They let us do it outside because she hated going into the Vet Office.

    I’m not sure if any others from her litter stayed in touch with you.
    But I needed to to help me heal.
    Pictures are Abby at 2 yrs old and Abby at 15.

    Thank you for blessing us with her.

    Wolfeboro, NH

  31. Miss Mary says:

    True love never dies – Cookie will always be with you.

  32. Joe says:

    Found you a couple years ago when first feeling cooking-adventurous, and from the beginning kept your site as one of my faves…your recipes and ingredients are wonderful even for all-thumbs in the kitchen like me, I like your commentary/thoughts, and in fact Cookie herself was a last huge keeper (I adore animals and have done stretches of animal rescue/volunteer work my whole life).

    Now, after a long while of other things in life getting in the way, I end up back here again, thinking to try a new recipe or two, and by chance see this news. Odd that I would feel so devastated and heartbroken over someone/somedog I never met. Your tribute post was beautiful, and at least Cookie no longer hurts (just us now). She got to know happiness for years thanks to the care and love you gave that poor angel after a difficult early life. You are a beautiful person and soul. Blessings to you and Cookie.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Joe. She was pretty special.

  33. Sheila Sarver says:

    Dear Kate,
    I have enjoyed your recipes for years, and am a better baker because of your incredible recipes. I was heartbroken to learn your beloved Cookie is no longer by your side. Your tribute brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey with us. Perhaps Cookie is on the “other side of the rainbow” playing with Ebony, my 12 year old Black Labrador who left me last year. Like Cookie, Ebony was my best friend and soul mate. She never left my side. Cookie will always live in your heart. Cherish the memories of your precious time together. While you had her for a huge part of your life, she had you for her entire life. You have each other forever.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Sheila. They are like family.

  34. Bobbie says:

    We appreciate Cookie and Kate and we support you in celebrating Cookie’s life, such a precious pup, today and every day. Cookie was extraordinarily blessed to have you, thank you for giving her the best possible life like all dogs deserve. Blessings!

  35. Tondra Cicali says:

    I’m new here. Like today new. It’s very nice to meet you! I made the roasted potatos and Brussels sprouts to go with my BBQ chicken. Delish! Thanks for the recipes. My pitti is my crumb catcher, thanks for sharing your story with Cookie. ❤️

  36. Kara says:

    I’m so sorry and I love your grateful heart. Godspeed

  37. Michelle says:

    Was just looking for your wonderful quinoa, sun-dried tomato and spinach salad recipe tonight and I thought of sweet Cookie and something had me looking to see how Cookie was doing. Oh such sad news to read up on here. We all know that feeling so can understand what you experienced Kate. She sure was truly loved by you and your family for sure! Just a note to you and of gratitude for your blog. I’ve made quite a few recipes, loved them but haven’t commented on any. I will make it a point to do so in the future. Best wishes to you and yours and keep these wonderful recipes coming!

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you, Michelle. I appreciate your kind words. She is missed!

  38. Liane Cook says:

    My deepest condolences! I have loved your website for so long now. I can only imagine the deep bond and terrible grief you feel now that Cookie is gone. I’m sorry!

    1. Kate says:

      I appreciate the kind words, Liane.

  39. Leslie Ann McCrea says:

    I’m so sorry to read about Cookie.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you, Leslie. We do miss her!

  40. Janice Friend says:

    I hope you will get a “ new” Cookie. Life is better with figs!
    Love you & your recipes

  41. Pamela deWaal says:

    I love your recipes.
    Today I was looking for a dog biscuit recipe… and thought you would probably have one that you would make for Cookie. I was surprised that there isn’t one (unless I just failed at seaching…)

    I hadn’t realized that cookie is gone. I’m so sorry. Well, the only logical thing for you to do is to create a recipe for dog treats in Cookie’s honor, don’t you think?

  42. Lisa kulas says:

    I just happened to fall onto your site and then saw this post abiut your sweet cookie. I’m crying as reading this. We put our dog down last summer in 2023 and I know how hard that is—gods blessings to you and I’m so sorry for your loss. And btw— your cookie is adorable! ❤️❤️❤️❤️god bless yo

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you, Lisa! She is missed.

  43. Ellie Cave says:

    Our dogs give us a bond like no other, really. What a beautiful tribute to Cookie, I always enjoyed seeing his cute pictures.
    I lost my beloved beagle mix, Stuar,t almost a year ago and I still miss him like crazy. He, too, was with me through marriage and motherhood, he was my shadow for 11 years. I am so sorry for your loss and I feel your grief!

  44. Jane says:

    Thank you for all of your amazing recipes been a huge fan and cook since 2020. What a blessing you are.