Farewell to Cookie, 2008 – 2023

Cookie the dog

I don’t want to tell you this because I don’t want it to be true, but we said goodbye to my beloved Cookie last week. Her smile and spunk lit up my days for over thirteen years and I miss her terribly. Thirteen years! I am the luckiest, and what I would give for more.

Cookie was my sidekick, my frontman, my best friend, my real-life teddy bear, my soul pup. As long as Cookie was there, I was never alone. I can almost feel her snuggled up by my side now. Cookie got me through the darkest of days and brightened the best. She kept me company through countless long days and long nights as we built this website from scratch. She taste tested nearly every recipe, too, whether I wanted her to or not.

In her earlier years, Cookie had a terrifying tendency to shoot out the front door like a rocket, which inspired immense gratitude for every day that we got together. Then she received a terminal cancer diagnosis, lymphoma, and defied the odds by living another two-and-a-half years. I always dreamed of taking care of her in her old age, and that’s what I got to do. Over the past year, she lost her hearing and her health declined, which felt more difficult and complicated than I ever anticipated. She died of old age, and while I’ll always wonder if I made the right decisions every step of the way, I am finding some peace and comfort in knowing that we spent all of her best days together. A dog could not have been more loved.

Cookie came into my life at the perfect moment, when I was fresh out of college and learning to live on my own. She walked with me all the way to marriage and motherhood. She left me exactly where I want to be in my upper thirties, with my loving husband and our baby girl. My heart is so full and so broken at the same time.

Cookie was extraordinary and so was our bond. I spent much of our time together wishing for what I have now, yet I’m feeling so sentimental about our special time together as Cookie and Kate. May this be your gentle reminder to appreciate what you have when you have it.

Thank you for cooking along with us and for finding joy in her antics. I’ll be back soon to share more photos and some of my favorite Cookie memories with you. She was truly the greatest.


Kathryne Taylor

I'm a vegetable enthusiast, dog lover, mother and bestselling cookbook author. I've been sharing recipes here since 2010, and I'm always cooking something new in my Kansas City kitchen. Cook with me!

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  1. Liliana says:

    We lost our girl few month ago. She was also 13 years young. Smartest and funniest (Australian cattle) dog ever. Pure love that we miss so much now…Hang on there, time is a best Band-Aid!

  2. Katie Filous says:

    I’m so very sorry. Thank you for this beautiful post. May her memory be a blessing.

  3. Blue says:

    Reaching out to thank you for sharing Cookie with all of us, Kate and to say that I’m hoping your heart is starting to heal a bit.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words.

  4. Rach says:

    I’m so sad and sorry to read this. Sweet Cookie—she was your angel, and you hers.❤️

  5. Sarah says:

    I so deeply feel for you Kate, and hope you can find peace in the beautiful memories you shared together. I lost my 7-year old soul dog in February after lymphoma and I am still figuring out how to cope. Sending you peace and comfort. Cookie made the world a brighter place and her legacy will remain

  6. Valerie says:

    I recently bought your cookbook and use it as much as my beloved Marcella Hazan, which is saying a lot. My 16 year old loved it when I told her who Cookie was and showed her pictures of the gorgeous girl. We have a 10 year old mutt who is our soul dog, so we get it. What I found when my last dog died at nearly 16 was , the last year can be hard, but that is when we give back to them for all they gave us. My heart is with you.

  7. Judi Turner says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss of your beloved Cookie. I only found your blog today through my search to learn about Pasta alla Norma. I liked the recipe so much that I signed up to receive your emails, and started to look through your blog. Then I read about Cookie. Again, I’m so sorry. I hope you know that, because you loved her so dearly, she will always be with you.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you fro your kind words, Judi.

  8. Jinny says:

    Kate, I am so lucky to have recently discovered your and Cookie’s book and to have literally just found your wonderful blog. I can see already that your and Cookie’s collaborative work will become my most oft-used resource in the kitchen; thank you both so very much. I am also a dog mom (not a mom of humans) so can feel deeply the loss of your beloved friend. Cry; laugh and smile alot while thinking of your companion; and treasure that daughter and hubby. You bring so many blessings to all of us, and I hope that good things will keep coming your way. Here’s to Cookie!

  9. Denise Gardner says:

    Dear Kate,
    As I write this message it is with a very heavy heart as I had to say goodbye to my beloved feline Cleo. She was a part of our family for 20 years! Wow is right! I recently read “Grief is the price we pay for having loved. Through all the tears and sadness and the pain of grief comes one thought that can make us smile again: we loved a particular animal dearly and that love was returned many fold.”

    “When the time is right you may feel that you have love to share with another pet. Not a pet to replace the one you had, but another animal to welcome into your home and into your heart.”

    I have since rescued an older cat who somewhat comforts me at times (she just isn’t my sweet Cleo} since my husband has recently passed at a very young age. Life takes so many twists and turns but I’ve learned that we do survive them even though at times we think
    we can’t possibly do so.

    I hope you and your family find comfort in all the sweet memories of Cookie.

    Take Care

  10. Lesley Long says:

    I relate to every sentiment about your beloved Cookie. I cried when I read your beautiful tribute to your best friend’s passing. My beautiful sprocker Milo died last August, 15 years 3 months, my constant companion through the death of both my parents and my breast cancer battle, always close by, an ever-present comfort in the hard times but so many years of wonderful walks and cuddles. Loved by all, missed by all. A dog in a million, I think about him every day, I was so fortunate to have known him…an honour. X

  11. Nancy Morgan says:

    I was very sad to hear about Cookie. Dogs lead good, but short lives. I have followed you since it was just the two of you and always loved her companionship as well. I am so happy for your happy life now and that Grace is there to fill your heart. Thank you for always filling our bellies and tables with delicious food.

  12. Margaret M Shea Turner says:

    What a lovely tribute to your beloved dog. I felt the same last Easter when we said goodbye to our Maggie at age 14. A year later and I still miss her so much! So glad you have so many lovely memories!

  13. Anita says:

    Dear Kate,

    I love your website and recipes. I’m so sorry to hear of Cookie’s passing. I have a dog, Bucky, so I know the love and joy that come from these amazing creatures. Her absence must be so difficult to bear right now. With time, it will become less shocking. You wrote a beautiful tribute/obituary to her. You were lucky to have each other and spend so many wonderful moments together. Hang in there! With sympathy, Anita

  14. Jamie says:

    Sending so much love and empathy. I am also walking the path of mother to an elder dog baby and a crafty human baby. I hear all of the mixed emotions you described in my mind daily. thank you for sharing Cookie with the world. She sounded like an incredible friend.

  15. Jason Y says:

    My condolences for your loss, Kate. I’m glad you created so many cherished memories with Cookie. Her memory and spirit will live on through your website.

  16. Kristi says:

    Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. It was Cookie that pulled me into your website, I have always loved how much a part she was in all of this. RIP Cookie my heart goes out to you and your family.

  17. Kathy says:

    So sorry for your loss of Cookie. Dogs can really make such a difference in our lives. So much love and fulfillment. May your family receive comfort in knowing that Cookie was so loved and taken care of. Maybe there is room for a future Cookie down the road?

  18. Theodora says:

    Dear Kate,

    I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Cookie. I always wondered about the name of your website. I loved it. Sadly I never followed your blog or knew there was one. I love your food recipes and have used them for over a year, gosh no it’s been two years.

    Cookie was definitely deeply loved. Thank you for telling us your story about how you met and how you grew together. Now that Cookie has crossed the rainbow bridge she is is free from cancer. I know she is watching down on all of you. Sending so much love to you family. .

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Theodora.

  19. Mary says:

    So sorry to read about Cookie’s passing. You will see her again, and she lives on in your heart.

  20. JP says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss of dear little Cookie. She was fortunate to have you in her life.

  21. Leah says:

    Dear Kate,
    My deepest condolences go out to you!
    Our Pets light up our lives! The love exchange is so incredibly Beautiful and they leave their loving paws prints on our Hearts forever! Cookie and you are both so very lucky as you had each other to love! I believe Love knows no distance! May the Angels of Healing and comforting surround you like a warm hug! peace and lovexo

  22. June Duggan says:

    Hi Kate,
    Although we’ve never met, I feel for you. I’m truly sorry for your loss… there are so many cooking sites, but yours was special to me because of Cookie. I too lost my pup last year and although it still hurts, we can find some comfort in knowing our dogs lived their best lives. But we really were the lucky ones, weren’t we…. :-) Big hug, my friend.

  23. jeff says:

    ahh – so sorry to hear of Cookie’s passing. I am a new dog daddy and it is by far my favorite role I have had in my 57 years (so far). I am so lucky to have a wife and fellow adventurer, but my pup (Otto) fills me with joy and unconditional love. I used to hear a song where the author asks for only one thing in life, that his dog could live longer, and I get it now. I am enjoying every mess and adventure with my lil pup.
    best wishes,
    Jeff – New Paltz NY

  24. Julie Lee says:

    I wept as I read your comments. I too have a wonderful Cookie….her name is Pepper and she has been the most remarkable dog. Pepper is now 14 and I know my dear girl is getting old. Sometimes animals are sent to be with us for a special reason, a special bond and there is no love purer than that of a dog. She was blessed to have you and your family. Cookie has not left your side or your kitchen, she is enjoying her spirit life and will always be close to those she loved, those that she knew was her family. Take care…my journey is not far away either.

  25. Karen says:

    Dear Kate,
    I was so sorry to hear about sweet Cookie. I could tell by looking at her photo that she had a lot of personality, loyalty and love.
    I truly believe we will see our pets again some day in heaven.
    Remember all the good times and write a little book about her.
    Hugs to you and your husband, Kate.

  26. Kailey Osborne says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss Sending lots of love to you and your family.

  27. Payodhi says:

    Cookie now resides in our hearts! Much love to you :)

  28. Malia says:

    Hi Kate. I’m so sorry to read about Cookie’s passing. He’s been a part of this blog from the beginning so I too have enjoyed getting to know him for the past years. Give yourself time to grieve and you have so many precious moments with her. I’m glad your husband and your baby girl were able to know him as well. Thinking of you during this time and sending you comfort and prayers from France.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Malia.

  29. Melanie says:

    I’m just catching up with my newsletters but I immediately clicked on this when I saw it. As a long-time reader, I’m sorry to hear the news. You and Cookie have had something magical here as the cooking duo. Her energy is felt in your recipes and I’m sure her spirit will continue to be felt. My heart goes out to you, Kate.

  30. Julia says:

    I am so sorry for your loss :(

    Pets are family.

    Love your content.

  31. Jill says:

    Kate – I commented on your FB post, but I still wanted to send my thoughts to you on your site. I am so sorry to hear of Cookie’s passing. I cried when I read the news. She was a treasure to us too. Saying goodbye to a pet is one of the hardest things to do. They fill our lives with so much joy but are never here long enough. I hope memories will provide some comfort. Thinking of you and sending hugs.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Jill. I appreciate it.

  32. Laurie says:

    Kate, I’m so sad to read your news. Cookie was a great companion to you, and together you created some delicious recipes and marvelous memories. Sending love and peace your way as you grieve. And thank you so much for so many wonderful recipes! My family and I have become huge fans!!

  33. Sandy G says:

    I just came across your website searching for good soup recipes. I’m so sorry for your loss of your beloved Cookie! He looks like a silvery dreamboat. I can tell by his happy face he was a good friend. I look forward to seeing more pics of Cookie and making some of your recipes. Happy healing as you recook some of those recipes you made with Cookie by your side.

  34. Laura says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss Kate. My heart goes out to you!

  35. Steve says:

    I am saddened to hear the news of Cookie’s passing. She is part of my journey through your recipes, and I can’t visit this web site without her presence. In that way, she will live forever.

    We recently lost our loving companion, and I share your hurt. Our Mei Li sampled a few of the recipes that Cooke helped create. Cookie found a perfect place, and I hope our furry friends are enjoying endless tasting.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Steve.

  36. Juanita says:

    I have read your memorial to Cookie twice and it makes me cry every time. My heart goes out to you, being that I am a dog person. I have had two dogs, and my present dog is 11yrs. old. My best to you and your family

  37. Meg says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about Cookie. I’m glad you got to spend many years together, and I’ve loved the awareness of her presence the whole time I’ve been following you and using your recipes. I am grateful to Cookie, and to you for sharing her with us.

  38. Faye Caudelle says:

    So sorry for the loss of Cookie..I am sure she was a most valuable member of your family a piece of you heart and life gone.Memories live on.
    Faye Caudelle

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you, Faye.

  39. Suzanne says:

    Oh Kate, I’m sorry!
    Going through it now with my beloved Lab.
    Love, pain, and deep gratitude.
    You and Cookie are never parted.
    It’s just an illusion.
    Tremendous love and grace to you for your honesty, your love and your generosity of spirit.

  40. Camille Krawchuk says:

    Dear Kate

    Sorry to hear your recent loss of Cookie. I know the impact a dog can bring into our lives and the impact when they’re gone. As I have lost a much loved dog that was also my sidekick, I’m sending you love and encouragement. We are so blessed by your relationship with Cookie and with us. My heart goes out to you.

    1. Kate says:

      I appreciate your kind words, Camille!

  41. Yvette Kaplan says:

    I’m very late to be writing now to express my sadness about Cookie, but going through my emails just now- I felt I had to.
    I know how it feels and I’m so sorry Kate. But how many can say they’ve partnered with their dog to share something so wonderful, so soul and body healing, with the world?

    Thank you, and thanks to your beautiful Cookie.

  42. Angela says:

    I’m sorry to hear about the passing of your sweet pup. Blessings to you and your family.

    1. Kate says:

      Thank you, Angela.

  43. Kathleen says:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Cookie. Love and prayers for your family.

  44. Marta Fudakowska says:

    Hi from Montreal!
    I have been following your site and recommending it to friends for quite a while.
    It has always been so easy to remember your name because of Cookie. I am so sorry for your loss. May time heal your heart…
    Please continue posting delicious vegetarian recipes that I so enjoy.

  45. V says:

    So sad for your loss. Pets are more than just companions, they are our friends, our family. She was blessed to have such a lovely friend as you.

  46. holly says:

    My heart is with you and your family on the passing of Cookie. She was well loved. I’m so glad you found each other.

  47. Amanda says:

    My Kiwi was just like your Cookie. I feel your pain while also understanding what joy they have left on our hearts while being there for us. I got Kiwi right out of college too and she was with me into motherhood. Thank God for those sweet pups that leave such love in our hearts. Bless!

  48. Ann says:

    So much love to you and your family. May you feel her precious joyful spirit with you always. I have two dogs in heaven. I’ll ask them to say hello and show her the ways to make her presence known to you. Be gentle with yourself.

  49. Danas Pontolloso says:

    Really sad when you lose a good friend. But I feel happy because God gave it so many wonderful years to Cookie.

  50. Pat V says:

    Kate, your post about Cookie’s passing filled my heart with happiness because you shared such love and fondness with your special canine family friend. I also felt sadness for your loss. I hope you take comfort in the wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.