Hello there! Please click on the following topics for relevant information and contact details.
Please comment on the recipe page. That way, other readers can see the answers to your question and will benefit from your feedback.
Scroll past the recipe to find the comment form. Comments are checked and answered nearly daily, Monday through Friday. I look forward to hearing from you!
I’m happy to hear from you! I try really hard to respond to every reader’s email, but it might take me a few days to get back to you. You can reach me at hello@cookieandkate.com.
However, if you have questions or comments about a specific recipe—please leave a public comment on that recipe’s page. You’re far more likely to get a quick response there, and other readers will benefit from the answer, too.
Please review my photo and recipe policy. You will likely find your answer there.
I’m sorry, but I can’t mentor aspiring food bloggers given time restraints. I’ve written the following resources for you and hope you find them helpful:
How to Start a Food Blog
Food Photography Tips
20 Tips for Food Bloggers
I’m getting a lot of these requests lately! I want to help, but please allow at least two weeks for me to answer your questions so I don’t leave you hanging. Please send them all to me in one email, and keep them reasonably brief in nature.
Over the years, I’ve partnered with high-quality brands that align with Cookie and Kate’s whole foods-focused philosophy. I’m thankful for the brands that have supported Cookie and Kate. In order to focus on Cookie and Kate projects, however, I am not currently accepting sponsorships.
Over the years, I’ve offered custom recipe development, food photography and more. Now, I’m devoting my full attention to Cookie and Kate, so I’m not accepting freelance work. I appreciate your interest!
Reach out to hello@cookieandkate.com.